How Long After a Dental Cleaning Can You Eat?

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how long after a dental cleaning can you eat

As you’re probably aware, once your cleaning appointment has concluded, you’ll be advised not to eat for a brief period of time. And while no one wants to interfere with the positive effects of the treatment, we do still have cravings and get hungry! What you should eat after your visit depends on a few different things. Read this blog to see which of these applies to your specific situation.

How Long After a Dental Cleaning Can You Eat?

It’s crucial that you avoid eating after the deep cleaning process while your mouth is still numb and the local anesthetic and (optional) laughing gas are wearing off. Eating while numb increases your risk of biting your cheeks or tongue, which could delay healing.

You can start eating after the numbness subsides and you can feel your tongue and lips once more. However, it can take a few hours. While you are recovering, it is crucial to watch what you consume. Hard food getting stuck in your gums is the last thing we want.

What You Can Eat?

Now, it could seem as though you have no more eating options. However, your teeth’s sensitivity will subside in a few hours, and you can feel free to eat whatever you please then. Following a dental cleaning near you, you ought to eat some of the following foods:

  • Supple foods (applesauce, mashed potatoes, yogurt, bananas, etc.)
  • Soups
  • Uncooked eggs
  • Don’t forget to drink a lot of water. 

Sugary beverages should be avoided because they might be damaging to freshly cleansed teeth. The best option is water because it won’t cause tooth stains and hydrates you most effectively of all the drinks you may be consuming.

What Should You Avoid Eating?

  • Following a thorough dental cleaning in Edina, our dentist will suggest you stay away from the following foods:
  • After treatment, refrain from eating anything crunchy or prickly for at least 24 hours.
  • For around 48 hours following treatment, stay away from hot meals and beverages, such as hot soup or coffee.
  • Eat less acidic meals, such as tomatoes and oranges, for at least 48 hours after the treatment.
  • To encourage recovery, stay away from hot and cold food or drinks for a minimum of 48 hours.

How Long Do You Have to Wait Before Eating?

If you’re wondering how soon you can eat after having your teeth cleaned, the answer depends on the specifics of your procedure. After cleaning, you should wait 30 minutes before eating or drinking anything. As a result, the treatment has time to completely penetrate the teeth. After this surgery, you should aim to stay away from acidic foods, as they can hasten the wear and tear. You may eat and drink right away if you just had a routine dental cleaning, but you should watch what you eat. Extremely hot or cold foods may be best avoided, as they could make you feel more sensitive. 

Hard foods that become stuck between your teeth might hurt. After your appointment with a dentist near you, your teeth and gums can be painful; therefore, you should avoid foods like spicy or acidic foods that might aggravate or create discomfort.

Where Can You Find a Reliable Dentist in Edina?

Cleaning your teeth twice a year can improve both your physical and dental health, among other things. Your teeth may suffer from tartar and plaque accumulation, which also increases the risk of dangerous bacteria spreading if you put off these kinds of appointments. Cleaning your teeth is a crucial aspect of maintaining your oral health, even if you have to refrain from eating some foods for a while. 

For a thorough examination of the condition of your oral health, get in touch with us here at 44th Street Dental in Edina.