What’s the Difference Between Night Guards and Night Guards?

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what's the difference between night guards and night guards

Protecting our teeth is vital, whether during a sports match or while we sleep. Mouth and night guards serve unique purposes in safeguarding our dental health, but their applications differ significantly.

Mouth Guards

Mouth guards fixed by a dentist near you serve as sturdy shields, shielding teeth, gums, lips, and jaws during intense physical endeavours, notably in high-impact sports such as football, boxing, or basketball. These guards, made from robust materials like thermoplastic, are a barrier against facial impacts, reducing the likelihood of injuries like fractured teeth, torn lips, or jaw fractures.

These guards come in three primary types:

  1. Stock Mouth Guards: These pre-formed guards are available ready-to-wear but often provide a suboptimal fit and limited protection due to their generic size.
  2. Boil-and-Bite Mouth Guards: Comprised of thermoplastic material, these guards can be customized by softening in hot water and then biting down to create a personalized fit. While better fitting than stock guards, they might still lack the precision of custom-made guards.
  3. Custom-Fitted Mouth Guards: Fabricated by dental professionals, these guards offer the best fit and highest level of protection. They’re tailored to an individual’s mouth structure, providing comfort and maximum safeguarding during sports activities.

Night Guards

Night guards, on the other hand, serve an entirely different purpose. They are specifically designed to address bruxism (teeth grinding) or temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), which often occurs during sleep.

Bruxism, a habitual grinding or clenching of teeth during sleep, can lead to dental problems, including tooth wear, jaw pain, headaches, and disrupted sleep patterns.

Night guards act as a cushion, absorbing the forces exerted during grinding and preventing teeth from wearing down or becoming damaged. Additionally, they aid in relaxing the jaw muscles, alleviating the discomfort associated with TMJ.

Similar to mouthguards in Edina, night guards also come in different forms:

  1. Stock Night Guards: These pre-made guards offer a one-size-fits-all solution but may not provide optimal comfort or protection due to their generic fit.
  2. Boil-and-Bite Night Guards: Like their counterparts in mouth guards, these guards can be customized to some extent by softening in hot water and then moulding to fit the individual’s teeth, offering a more personalized fit than stock guards.
  3. Custom Night Guards: Fabricated by dental professionals, these guards are tailor-made for the patient’s mouth structure, providing the most precise fit and effective protection against teeth grinding and TMJ-related issues.

When to Use Each

Understanding when to use mouthguards versus nightguards is crucial for maintaining optimal dental health.

  1. Mouth Guards: Wear them during high-impact sports or activities with a risk of facial injury. Whether it’s football, hockey, or martial arts, a properly fitted mouth guard can significantly reduce the chance of dental trauma.
  2. Night Guards: These are worn specifically during sleep to protect against teeth grinding and alleviate symptoms of TMJ. A night guard might be beneficial if you wake up with jaw pain, headaches, or notice signs of tooth wear.

End Words

Ultimately, while mouth and night guards aim to protect the teeth and mouth, their purposes and usage scenarios differ significantly. Mouth guards shield against physical impact during sports, while night guards offer protection and relief from teeth grinding and TMJ-related discomfort during sleep.

Consulting a dentist in Edina is crucial to determining the appropriate guard and ensuring it fits correctly, providing the best protection for your dental health.

44th Street Dental Guides When to Use Mouth Guards And Night Guards

At 44th Street Dental, our expertise helps distinguish when to use mouthguards and nightguards. We prioritize tailored solutions, recommending mouthguards near you for high-impact activities like sports to shield against injuries.

Night guards are advised to address teeth grinding and TMJ discomfort during sleep. Our comprehensive approach involves personalized fittings for both guards, ensuring optimal protection and comfort.

Trust our guidance to discern the precise scenarios for employing mouth and night guards, safeguarding your dental health effectively.